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Uncle Stevie's Sapsucker Sasquatch Sauce

Uncle Stevie's Sapsucker Sasquatch Sauce
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List Price: $9.00
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Ok, ok, you the fans have asked for it. Now we delivered a multi awarding winning sauce.

We have stepped out of our comfort zone and traveled to South Carolina to create a yellow BBQ sauce. I had never heard of such a thing, but I am was up to the challenge.
This is a fabulous Spicy Honey Mustard that comes in with one The more feet, the more heat.

This is now an award winning sauce after we picked up 3rd place in the Zest Fest mustard division competition in Texas.
This sauce also won 1st Place in the coveted Scovie Awards in the Mustard Division.

Who would have guessed we would create an award winning sauce that is not red.